Artwork shows an illustrated row of different people from the waist up

News and updates

As the Population Health Hub publishes new documents, this page will be refreshed to allow readers to access these. Below is a list of all completed projects and newsletters.

Population Health Hub Newsletter

From April 2022, the Hub will release a newsletter containing information on the different projects its members are undertaking.

The latest edition may be found here:

Issue Three, June 2023

Previous editions may be found here:

Issue One, June 2022

Issue Two, December 2022

Hub Projects

December 2024

The PHH has produced a Core20PLUS5 profile for adults living in York to highlight the health inequalities experienced by different groups of people. Core20PLUS5 is an NHS England (NHSE) approach developed by the Health Inequalities Improvement Team to support NHS Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to reduce health inequalities. Core20PLUS5 offers ICSs a focused approach to enable prioritisation of energies and resources as they address health inequalities.

December 2023

The latest Lunch & Learn can now be accessed below. Taking place on 30 November 2023, the session looked at the Hub's recent update of the health impacts relating to the cost of living crisis in York. A copy of the slides may be found here: Cost of Living Crisis in York:Understanding and Reducing Health Impacts

Listen to a recording of the event: Lunch and Learn Audio recording

August 2023

The Hub's Lunch & Learn took place on 10 August 2023 and focused on understanding York's population. A copy of the slides may be found here: Understanding Our Population in York

Listen to a recording of the event: Understanding our population in York - audio recording

May 2023

The York Population Health Hub is hosting a series of virtual Lunch & Learn events to connect and share knowledge, and to understand and appreciate the work happening across York to improve the health and wellbeing of our citizens. The first event on 25 April 2023 covered 'Connecting to our Communities'

Listen to a recording of the event Connection to our communities - audio recording

January 2023

The Population Health Hub has produced an asthma pack investigating the risk factors and impact the disease has on the lives of York residents. The data pack can be found by clicking here: Asthma Data Pack

As part of work investigating the growing winter pressures and the cost of living crisis, the population health hub created the Cost of Living Crisis in York: Understanding and Reducing the Health Impacts data pack. This provides information about people in York whose health is likely to be affected by the cost of living crisis. This includes people living with respiratory conditions who may be at risk of harm from winter and cold homes.

In 2021, colleagues from the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) undertook work in the management of type 2 diabetes in York. A report can be found here: York Population Health Management Diabetes Project Summary

The Primary Care Mortality Database allows authorised users to access mortality data provided at the registration of a death. This includes:

  • demographic details
  • cause of death
  • place of death
  • certifying GP details
  • coroner's details

PCMD currently holds data from 1997 up until the most recent monthly data extract, based on the 2011 census structures. Monthly data is added by the second week of the following month. User access to the data is based on the upper tier local authority or the clinical commissioning group (CCG) structures they are responsible for.

The PCMD is managed by NHS Digital and is updated monthly using a file of death records from the Office for National Statistics being accessed via DARS.

A&E Activity by LSOA. This data was compiled by a member of the Population Health Hub Steering Group. It provides an analysis of A&E attendance by small areas in the City of York (LSOA). Rates are standardised by age and sex and gives us information on the characteristics of the population by location and levels of deprivation. This includes distances to hospital as well to GP practices and pharmacies.

Primary Care Network (PCN) Ward Populations. This gives a breakdown of the resident population of each of the five York PCNs, by ward. The PCN's are not geographical areas that can be drawn on a map, but groups of GP practices spread across the City. The residents registered to each PCN could reside anywhere in the city. The aim of this data is show if there are wards with larger numbers of residents at one of the PCNs, to aid with service planning.

CORE20PLU5 In York ‘Place’ of Humber and North Yorkshire ICB. This is a national NHS England and Improvement initiative aimed at reducing health inequalities through the concerted efforts of the health and care system, both at a national, regional and local level.